If you're not familiar with the term Hoes Over Bros...let me spell it out
for you. It means putting your friends first. Doesn't mean always putting
them first. We know all about priorities at our age. But our female friends
should never be put on the back burner. Believe me, you're going to need
I just heard a story about a group of boomer women who were divorced
and widowed. They planned a great trip to Europe together and the one
by one they started dropping out. Why? Because they were afraid the men
in their lives would replace them in the ten days they were gone. If a middle
aged man would dump you for not being around while you were having a
wonderful time with your friends, well he doesn't deserve you. I would
take another look and run like hell because you will always be looking over
your shoulder..
Have we not progressed from junior high when as soon as
a boy came in the picture, bye-bye girlfriends. But who were the first ones
you went running to when the the love of your life dumped you. But face it
ladies...this is the story of our lives. I know because I've been there.
It gets worse when the biological clock starts ticking and the primitive hunt
for a husband begins. Those chicks aren't letting go for anything. Female
friendship is at an all time low. God Bless those friends who would still
listen to you after twenty break ups.
You would think in our later years that we would be a little smarter about
friendship. But apparently , we're not. Not that we don't want men in our
lives ...we do. Of course we do. Men can be your best friend. Lucky are
those ladies who have a spouse and best friend all rolled into one.
But celebrate the Hoes....they are the ones who remember that you like
peonies and love a Gin and tonic on a hot day. They will tell you that
your ass looks big in that outfit. (although in a nice way).
They are the ones who will be there for you in a special way when your
daughter gets married or you find out you have a lump in your breast.
Hoes Over Bros. Oh yes.