A new study came out today that say that women look their worst on
Wednesdays.Yep, Wednesdays. So I guess we can cruise through the
rest of the week with no worries. This was splashed all over the media
as if it were a new finding by the Center of Disease Control. And God
knows if you hear it on mainstream media in the morning it must be true.
I say that tongue-in-cheek since I work for the mainstream media. But
then I'm also working on a country and western reality show called I'm A
Star...and an indie movie called Army of Frankensteins, so what do I know?
I do know that the study was done by St. Tropez tanning lotion. Seriously
how reliable can that be? How do they test this...parading 24 year old Brazillian
bombshells in thongs on the beach to see their whistle potential?. As if. Let me
tell you, St. Tropez, here is the true test. Take one woman , add a baby with cholic
and a fourth grader who has to make a catapult for Medievil Day and you'll
see that Monday is just as good a day for looking like shit as a Wednesday.
I looked at myself today...and exactly at three thirty as the study suggested. I was
like WTF....I'm alive and walking. I can still bend down without passing out, I still
have hair and my mind is still somewhat sharp. Hey I am good to go. So take that
St. Tropez.
There are a few flaws in your theory...like does that hour of ghastly doom reflect time
zones...or do we have a wave of women in time zones looking ugly . Sort of like the
wave at an NBA game. or maybe it's like on Seinfeld where we look good in some
light and bad in another.
After all...I was perfect once and so were you . One day when we were nineteen and
we were stunningly perfect. Too bad we didn't even know it. And I bet that was on a
Wednesday at exactly three thirty.
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