Tuesday, February 26, 2013


OK...let's just go ahead an admit it...sometimes we like to shake things
up a little bit. You know, get out of the mold and shock people, just a tiny bit.
But if you're a boomer...well you just have to be aware of what you look like.
I always run those iffy items by my daughter...and believe me , she puts me
straight. But ladies  we have to use a little common sense. If Pretty Little Liars
or Gossip Girl is dictating your wardrobe , you are probably looking a little
off. What's fabulous on twenty five year olds doesn't always translate. Just saying.

Does that mean I'm going to give up my leopard coat, or carry my sparkly bag with the enormous bow from time to time now. That's as bad as wearing five designer logo items at once.
Subtle is sexy for us.

Here's an article that tells it like it is. Read it and have a good dump out in
your closet. I'm certainly going to !!

Monday, February 25, 2013


BostInno's 2013 Oscar

Well it's all over for this year. Some surprises, some givens, and some things
that just weren't meant to be. Seriously since when should the wife of the
President of the United States be involved in giving out the golden dudes.. Oh yes,
that's the same gal who was doing the evolution of dance on late night tv. Really.
Since when does entertainment and the presidency mingle together like truffle
oil on french fries. Lady, I am all for your programs to get kids to eat healthy and
stay fit. But it just kind of ruins it when you are part of the Hollywood starve-til-you
drop annual event we call the Academy Awards.

Older chicks, you did us right at the event. And seriously Seth , next time bring back
the gals. Amy Poehler and Tina Fey  might be worth considering. Babs, you looked
pretty hot, with some pretty revealing fabrics and legs that got the point across without
the awkward Angelina Jolie robot leg stance. Jane Fonda , what can we say. You do over
seventy right. Absolutely right. Meryl Streep looked her elegant self . We were well
represented and looked well groomed and engaging, unlike a certain blue lipped youngster
who looked like she just woke up from her coffin.

Shine on ladies.!!!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013


This is one of my familiy's favorites. It is the most unbelievable dishes to prepare.
 It is absolutely yummy. And it's a Lord-how-can-it-be-this-easy recipe. Unlike everything else in our complicated lives. You will thank me every time you make it.
4 FROZEN chicken breasts
one package of taco seasoning
1 regular bar of Philadelphia cream cheese
1 medium jar of salsa
Put frozen, yes FROZEN chicken breasts in your crock pot. Add one package of any taco seasoning.
Cube the package of cream cheese and scatter around the chicken.
Add the salsa  
Put the crockpot on low for 8 hours and pour over rice or noodles.
You'll be happy!!!

Friday, February 8, 2013


There's so much talk about bullies today. But think back. There were just as
many bullies in high school then as there are now. They may not have the
added weapons of twitter, facebook and the Interne, but they existed.

Not all bullies in high school were 230 lbs and gave a mean purple nurple, some
wore pink and smelled like heaven-on-earth. But whether they were petite or
amazons...bullies were the curse of high school.If you've ever been humiliated
by wearing the wrong shoes or a dress that they let everyone knew your Mom made,
then you know the power of the bully.

Whether they were the big lugs that could break your neck or the mean girls that
could break your spirit, they were a force to be reckoned with..

And they still are. Mean girls grow up to be mean women. Its those bitches at the
kid's schools and the workplace that you have to watch out for. It's no easy trick to
catch them They come in different sizes and shapes, driving Escalades and pimping
out cupcakes, leaving your kid out of parties and grabbing the choice assignments
at work.  But all bullies show their true hands eventually. And fortunately
for us, karma is indeed, a bitch.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I got so much response on the double chin article I had to expand it even more. I
know that the biggest boomer dread is having your picture taken. Sort or like being
slapped in the face with a big dose of reality. So we avoid it as much as possible.
But until that fat dissolving double chin thing becomes a reality we have to depend on
the tricks of the trade. Since I'm fortunate enough to work with some of the best
photographers on the planet I know that lighting and positioning subjects can make a
world of difference. Look at the pictures of this pretty girl before and after. You can
do that too!

Jawline portrait tweak by Peter Hurley

Jawline portrait tweak by Peter Hurley

So here's my Tuesday gift to you.....a simple way you can look better in pictures.
Watch and learn folks.

Monday, February 4, 2013



If you ask most people what is the worst thing about middle age you'd
probably hear the dreaded words double chin. And then of course, there
are the words, flabby arms, muffin tops, receding hairlines and decreased
libidos. Jeez, it's a wonder we can still function.

Well some braniacs are coming up with a cool way to dissolve the under
chin fat and I say hooray. Because if the chin is on the drawing board how
long could it be before the squishy bellies and chunky thighs get addressed.
For those of you who like the scientific data fresh off out of the lab I have
listed the article as it appeared on Med-page. For this rest of us it's a simple
Yahoo...Yowza. A middle aged miracle.

The white-noise-article for your enjoyment

An injectable drug that disrupts fat cell membranes effectively reduced fat deposits under the chin, called submental fat (SMF), in two phase III studies, one of its co-developers said.
Results of the two placebo-controlled studies indicated that the drug, called ATX-101, "led to significant improvements in clinician-reported measurements of SMF, supported by objective caliper measurements of SMF thickness," according to Bayer Healthcare, which is developing the drug along with California-based Kythera Biopharmaceuticals.
Patients also reported subjective impressions that their SMF -- commonly known as a double chin -- had been reduced with the drug, Bayer said.
The study results, involving a total of 723 patients in Europe, were presented at a medical conference in Paris. Kythera is currently performing another phase III trial in the U.S. and Canada, with top-line results expected later this year.
Currently, patients seeking to eliminate double chins usually turn to liposuction, which carries some risk of adverse effects.
ATX-101 is a proprietary, synthetic form of sodium deoxycholate, a human bile acid, which helps degrade dietary fat.
After injection, the agent acts locally to disrupt fat cells. Their contents are then flushed naturally from the area.
In the Bayer trials, the drug was administered at monthly doses of 1 or 2 mg/cm2 for up to 4 months, with an additional 12 weeks of follow-up after the last dose.
Adverse effects were all injection-site reactions such as pain, swelling, bruising, induration, and numbness, according to Bayer. Quantitative results were not released publicly