There's so much talk about bullies today. But think back. There were just as
many bullies in high school then as there are now. They may not have the
added weapons of twitter, facebook and the Interne, but they existed.
Not all bullies in high school were 230 lbs and gave a mean purple nurple, some
wore pink and smelled like heaven-on-earth. But whether they were petite or
amazons...bullies were the curse of high school.If you've ever been humiliated
by wearing the wrong shoes or a dress that they let everyone knew your Mom made,
then you know the power of the bully.
Whether they were the big lugs that could break your neck or the mean girls that
could break your spirit, they were a force to be reckoned with..
And they still are. Mean girls grow up to be mean women. Its those bitches at the
kid's schools and the workplace that you have to watch out for. It's no easy trick to
catch them They come in different sizes and shapes, driving Escalades and pimping
out cupcakes, leaving your kid out of parties and grabbing the choice assignments
at work. But all bullies show their true hands eventually. And fortunately
for us, karma is indeed, a bitch.
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