Wednesday, May 29, 2013
by Katrina and Michelle
24, 2013
awoke to a downpour this morning. Quite a bit cooler and most of us do not have
quite enough outerwear. This did not stop the prompt rendezvous of all 17 for
coffee and croissants AND our practice session. Without pause, we turned on the
"Mamma Mia" tune and began our rehearsal softly so as not to disturb sleeping
guests. Three run-throughs and we feel ready for tonight. Even the staff is
looking forward to this closely guarded secret.
haven't touched so much on our colleagues. This group has become a close and
warm gathering of friends. We change places at each meal to become better
acquainted with every person. There is constant laughter and this production
effort was accepted unanimously without hesitation by any single individual. I
think it rare that we might build these bonds as rapidly as we have and there is
much care taking of one another. I am certain Michelle and I will visit with
several of these friends in the future.
and Bill have provided a unique, adventurous and fulfilling vacation. We all
understand that we a piece of their personal life tour. This part of Tuscany is
breathtakingly beautiful and the local residents have been warm and gracious. We
were, perhaps, most surprised by the shear amount of food that would be offered
to us. Having said that, each venue has been different from the one before it.
All of our chef, winery, shopping and "factory" hosts are good friends of the
Sutherlands, not simply a source of income.
final culinary instruction was held at Belagaggio Agriturismo, a villa owned by
a wealthy landowner in Montefollonico. Five guest room apartments are open to
the public as is the main grotto for wedding and other large gala celebrations.
The home and gardens are the most beautiful we have seen this trip. There are
olive fields, sheep herds and a vineyard. We had three generations from this
family - grandmother, mother and daughter - guide us through our cooking tasks.
As with all other recipes, there is no exact measurement of any ingredient. They
just keep saying you cannot fail. The ricotta/spinach stuffed squash blossoms
were dipped in a light batter and fried. We made three different thin-crust
pizzas and an eight- layer lasagna with a delectable meat sauce. One would
think that with eight layers of pasta this would be overwhelming heavy. Not so.
It was the lightest lasagna I have ever ingested. Tiramisu with espresso-soaked
vanilla wafers concluded this culinary feast. As usual, we were served at an
elegantly set table with flat and bubbly water, red and white wine. I think the
Sutherlands saved the most beautiful setting for last.
table in the dining room at La Chiusa was strewn with wine glasses and flowers.
A bubbly Proseco was served when our group arrived in the week's dressiest
attire. This was graduation night. An eight course dinner was far from
overwhelming. Each course was very small, beautifully presented and oh so
delicioso! Following the antipasti course Michelle rose and pushed the "play"
button on the iPad. The melody from "Mamma Mia" filled the dining room. In a
wave from center table to the ends we arose, donned our culinary aprons and
began our Tuscan Broadway production. The staff emerged from the kitchen, the
other guests quieted down and we burst into song. The confused expressions on
Patty and Bill's faces showed that this interruption did not instantly resonated
with them. Once we truly had launched they realized they were being serenaded.
Tears, embarrassment and laughter followed. We were thrilled for our few days of
work paid off. Bill acknowledged that NO other class had ever honored them this
way. We felt warmed by their response. Toasts ensued. As did the operatic voice
our of Chinese colleague,
who sang both an Italian and Chinese stanza from operas. We were in awe. Yes, we
were among extraordinary and talented people.
reminded us each day in class that a diploma was awaiting only those who had
passed the rigors of his culinary school. We were honored with 100% success when
he bestowed Patty's artistically designed diplomas upon each
Chiusa surprised us with an African drummer, one of their staff. This young,
very dark-skinned man teaches disabled men in Siena to play the drums. He
involved us in the drum playing, and we all joined in with dance moves. If only
you could have seen the smile and pride his face displayed while treating us to
a taste of his culture. This went on 'til way past midnight. A farewell and warm
affection was exchanged by all who might depart before
Friday, May 24, 2013
few little boogers on Facebook (hmmhmm Don Sherry LOL)
Is your cat driving you and everyone else bonkers? You can get
some help for you cat by a noted catguru and have him star on
national tv in the tv hit show from Animal Planet My Cat From Hell.
From all our dog lover friends any cat could well qualify. tee hee..
They are looking for cats that used to be good, and are now out of control. (did
they say teenagers?) You can get back the kitty you love with the help of a
top cat behaviorist.
Send to hellcatscasting@gmail.com your name,contact information,
your cats name and breed and age. Also tell them about your cats behaviour
problems and your family and why you want to let your cat out of the
bag literally. Send pics of your family and your cat in jpeg.
Good luck!!!
Sorry Casting Friday is short this week. I have been covering the terrible
tornado in Moore for ABC. I am happy to say I saw many little scared cats and dogs
in the Home Depot holding area. What a great thing to do in reuiniting pets
with their families. And that just the top of the iceberg of what Home Depot did.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
May 17, 2013
When you plan for that special vacation everything goes perfectly. Right?
Ah, let me start at the beginning. I am leaving today for Tuscany, Italy, with
my partner, Michelle, for a dream vacation. All I said 12 months ago was that
going to a cooking school in France for six months is on my bucket list. Hers
was to go to Portofino, Italy. Michelle asked me if I had ever seen the website
for TuscanWomenCook and their feature on a Jane Pauley special. I jumped on the
website and discovered that six days in Italy might fill the bucket just a wee
bit and Portofino was on the way back to the Milan airport.
Miles in hand we book our trip from Dallas to Miami to London to Milan
Malpensa airports. Business class and first class. This is definitely the best
way to fly unless someone wants to buy my same Serta mattress and place it in a
very dark room on an airplane that doesn't jump, shift or fall from space in
turbulence accompanied with a five star chef to serve any li'l ole thing my
heart might feel like between Dallas and anywhere in Italy. I also like nice
quality linens
and air conditioning. Should the pilot prefer to leave the wing doors open for
fresh air that would suit me just fine.
May 18, 2013
May 18, 2013
flight to Miami was uneventful but we end up on a much delayed flight from Miami
to London Heathrow. I watch as each traveller gets more and more haggard. After
three hours the frustration and anger are gone. There are just boundless weary
soles. The gentleman sitting opposite us in the lounge is from Beirut. He knows
he has missed his connecting flight and hopes AA will rebook for next day.
Michelle already has us booked on two future flights, just in case (ie:AA falls
down on its rebooking job.) By the way, if you ever consider buying an entry to
the AA first class lounge in Miami you will discover an unkempt lounge where
staff is non-existent, and the only free food is stale celery, carrots and
a difference a change in continents makes. British AA staff greet us with 138
rebooked tickets upon arrival handled with exceptional speed. A first class
British lounge offers elegantly dressed staff and plenty of them, complimentary
beverages of any kind, hot soup, sandwiches, cheese, fruit and a full table of
desserts. All fit for a Queen.
Our rebooking took us to Milan Linate airport, 50 km from the original destination and three hours later (9:30 pm). The rental car at Malpensa had to be cancelled and the single available rental car on site cost twice as much as my first booking. New 6 speed stick shift with no satellite reception and a major downpour meant we head out into traffic not knowing our way. With unabashed bravery we spot the only open gas station at 11:30 pm and are immediately set on the right autostrada to Parma. At 1:30 am on Sunday we try to close our eyes and sleep.
has been elusive and the time change difficult to surmount rapidly. We are
grateful for our 10 am start at our first class right here at
La Chiusa in their professional kitchen. The proprietress and head chef is
Dania, a glamorous woman who believes her skills improve wearing Prada and
stilettos while she works. She speaks Italian but her words are immediately
translated by a young Tuscan by the name of Christine. We are presented with
small glass bowls of cooked and strained beets and spinach. "Now, make your
first design on your plates. Food will look more appetizing surrounded with
flowers!" This start just made my day. Not that I am so creative but this
unleashed a sense of childhood coloring that brought laughter around the table.
Dania began with the blending of fresh ricotta, pepper, garlic and nutmeg which
we piped from pastry bags into fresh squash blossoms. A little lemon, olive oil,
garlic and pine nuts on top and into the oven for 10 minutes they went.
Homemade zucchini risotto was started with Carnaroli instead of Arborio rice.
Less stickiness and a lovely nutty flavor make this dish unique. Next came the
seasoning of free range chicken pieces and into the huge sauté pan. This would
be tossed with finely chopped celery, carrots and tomatoes once the chicken had
cooked. Several of us were transported downstairs to the pasta room. We observed
and helped assist making stuffed raviolis and pici pasta (more on that later).
Back in the main kitchen we participated in the making of caramel ice cream,
spun caramel nests and glazed strawberries to go on top of the ice cream. When
all was done we sat in the main dining room and were served by professional
staff with endless wine. People are quickly abandoning the white wines in favor
of the local reds.
discover that each afternoon we are whisked away with Patty at the helm full of
local history and places to sightsee. Pope Pious II's summer home of the 1400's
was turned into a hot springs bath. Thousands flood there each year to "take the
waters". How odd to see a Ducati motorcycle suspended over the pool water in
preparation for an upcoming sponsored event. A shopping tour of Pienza of
Pecorino cheese fame wrapped up the afternoon just in time to head to dinner.
This amazing eat-a-thon is becoming overwhelming. We need to learn fast not to
eat much at each of the many courses but the camaraderie and friendships are
building fast.
21, 2013
Today we began with a brisk walk into town in the rain for a cafe at the Sport Bar. It is cooler than a typical May spring as it has been in the USA. However the roses are profuse and the air pungent with their floral scent.
Our class is held at the restaurant we dined at last night, 13 Gobbi. It is tiny so two larger tables are staged in the "main" dining room with 17 cutting boards circling the tables. We have two local chefs, one young and the other in her seventies. One woks in a bowl, the other creates a volcano for the flour she will mix. This is pasta day. A blend of "0" flour, oil, water a couple of eggs disappear under the capable hands of these women. They talk about the muscles they build with the kneading of the dough and host, Bill, warns us not to get into an arm wrestling match. They will win. The rolling process is fascinating with a four foot rolling pin. Always start from the center and roll out. When you are ready to turn the dough, begin by rolling the dough closest to you over the pin just to the center point of your circle. Roll back and forth with hand pressure from the center of the pin towards the outside. Take hold of the outside of the pin, raise it off the board and with a sharp flipping motion spin the dough so it slaps over and down on the cutting board surface. Repeat this flipping motion several times. Turn the pin a quarter turn, unfurl the dough and continue rolling out the dough always beginning from the center. Repeat the rolling and flipping motion until the dough is paper thin. Our chef then cut 4" x 1/2" slices from the dough. Using our right palm only we were to use a rolling motion while pulling the dough string with our left hand. The "string" will eventually become two feet long and the thickness of a slender pencil. Doubling the string and holding it in two hands you slap the strung on the table much like you might slap a jump rope. You have just made "pici" (pronounced "peachy"), a string pasta served all over Tuscany. When it is cooked it will usually be served with a meat and tomato sauce. This pasta making is followed by pappardelle, same blending process but flat, wider noodles are the outcome. The kitchen is about 10' x 10' so only four of us at a time could assist with the grilled vegetables and chicken dishes.
Nap time is de riguer and much needed. Our bus arrives for a drive across the valley to Cortona, a less hilly and more industrial community. This is where the book "Under the Tuscan Sun" was written. We visit the a monastery where 7 friars still manage the agriculture and then shop in the charming village. Our bus takes us to olive oil tasting and dinner at Walter Redaelli's Ristorante in Bettolle. It is elegant and offers luxurious hotel rooms. PS: do not use olive oils that are dated more than two years old!
By now we are so comfortable with every one in our group. There is tremendous camaraderie and laughter spills forth on each occasion. Our major complaint is that we are all eating wayyyyyy too much food. How to stop?
May 22, 2013
This is our early departure day for a tour of Florence. We will be joined by two guides in the city, Ann and Francesca. We begin at the central food market. It is a blaze of color and a feast for the eyes. Cheese stands, olive oil and meat stalls, olive, fish, bread, dessert and chocolate shops line up one after another. Customers are in a hurry and shop keepers are bustling to and fro. We are given a balsamic tasting and learn to differentiate the depth of a 25 year old balsamic from the 12 year old variety. Try investing in one bottle of 18 - 25 years. Brush it on a grilled peach or fig. Dining in heaven must be like this. Avoid all balsamic where the first ingredient is red wine vinegar. It is acceptable here to reduce 5 year old balsamic as long as it is an authentic Italian balsamic.
Shopping and a walking tour of the Duomo remind us how exquisite Florence truly is. This city most certainly deserves a long stay in order to grapple with so much of its beautiful history and architecture.
We are happy to see our driver at 5:00 pm and most of us fall asleep for the slow 2 hour drive back to Montefollonico. We pull up to the home of our hosts, Patty and Bill, who offer us a huge fresh salad and pizza. It is just what the doctor ordered. Their farm house sits atop a hill with a panoramic view of the surrounding valleys. They live on the second floor as the ground floor retains the original stalls and feed containers for cows. As many Tuscans do, they press their own wine and make olive oil from their olive trees. You do not need fields of either to have your own supply. The home interior has been transformed to a rustic but elegant coziness. Patty's artistic talent is everywhere from hand-painted tiles in the kitchen to her jewelry workroom where bracelets and necklaces adorn tables and bureaus. We all quickly realize how much true artistic talent runs through her blood. Her designs are superb.
I forgot to mention that our group has decided to put on a small farewell production Friday evening at dinner. This will be our last gathering and, under Michelle's leadership, we have taken the liberty of rewriting the words to "Mamma Mia." This will be our final thank you gift to Bill and Patty. As tired as we are Michelle writes and prints 17 copies for our planned practice session at 8:00 am tomorrow. More on the production later. Bona sera.
May 23, 2013
This morning we met for a rehearsal of our production at breakfast. My this has become a dedicated group! Ok, it sounds a bit shaky now but we still have 36 more hours until show time.
Our chef leader, Isa, has been the most efficient cook yet. We were warned that she moves quickly and she does. She can multitask like no one else. She had us making minestrone soup, eggplant parmesan, full roasted pork, individual spinach and potato soufflé and panna cotta with fruit and chocolate sauce. Her presentations were beautiful and the food rich in flavor.
A short rest ended with a trip to a small cheese factory. Here we sampled cheese that will not keep more than two weeks to those, like a 2 year old pecorino, that will keep for a year. A wine tasting at Innocenti took place just behind the ancient wine storage building and house Vittorio Innocenti calls home. His family has produced wines for seven hundred years. It is still a small vineyard at 35,000 bottles a year but some of his wine is distributed in the USA. His production is primarily from Sangiovese grapes.
Now you know we still had a dinner to consume. This evening it was in the wine cellar of La Botte Piena in Montefollonico. It was a series of small plates which just tricked us into thinking we weren't eating a lot. Phooey!
(updates will be added ...so revisit this blog post under travel)
Friday, May 17, 2013
A new supergroup is being put together by Spice Girl and American Idol
creator Simon Fuller. He is looking or talented singers and dancers....he
wants the project to have a global appeal and is looking for all ethnicities.
So dust off those dancing shoes and send an email with the following
info: name, age,contact number, parents name if under 18, description og
your talent and background,recent photos in jpg format, links to any online
video of your singing and dancing abilities.
send to info@actioncasting.com. they are looking for good looking applicants,
acting ability is a plus.
Sounds like a conundrum to me, What about all that beer and
dating? Usually in college frat boys were the best dates. But
then again it is a down economy....and my college dating years
were soooo long ago!!!
A major cable network is casting for a second season on the
Learning Chanel. So do you know anyone who thinks wasting
money makes him uncomfortable
? Does he like to save a penny? Or is he just cheap?
Nominate this special frugal someone by sending his name, age,
location, phone and email as well as a little about his frugal
ways and his pic to query-325a@helpareporter.net.
pic courtesy of www.collegecandy.comwww.collegecandy.com
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Leave it to an underpaid--rumpled English teacher to nail the generation
of entitlement. Great article in Time magazine that says boomers are the
me generation and our off springs are the me-me-me generation.
I have to say that I totally contributed to that very concept of making our kids
feel special. We gave trophy's to the whole baseball team, even the girls
that stood out in the outfield counting butterflies. We told our kids their
art work was brilliant. I even came across some art I had actually had
framed. What the hell was wrong with me? But fess up we all did it...we
made our children feel so important...they were the epicenter of our lives
and they knew it. Our Halloween costumes were worthy of the Academy
Awards and our parties for them were epic.
But just because Mommy says you're a princess doesn't mean you have a snowballs
chance in hell of snagging Prince Harry. And as for our sons. Pretty sure their
stint on the guitar wasn't going to land them on the Grammy's So why did we
do this? My kids even went to a private school where they didn't have a Prom
Queen. Really? Way to weed out the haves from the have-nots.
So as they get older they text and tweet and instagram and pinterest and do all
those things that continue this "you are a star " theory. And then what? An
amazing study said that most people under thirty would rather be an assistant
to a famous person rather than a senator. OMG. And then there are the Kardashians--
famous for doing nothing., Yet still millionaires and still famous. What a
I personally think the train left the station. Our kids are just going to have to figure
for themselves. Don't get me wrong, there are thousands and thousands of wonderful
young adults out their. Yes, some feel a little too entitled. Some of them have
an attitude problem. But life has a funny way of teaching you things. I'm learning
them every day and no one told me I was a princess!!!!
it out 

Saturday, May 11, 2013
I wasn't the little girl that planned her wedding with the precision of a
drill Sergeant, so it should come as no surprise that I really didn't give much
thought either to children. Didn't really like them. I was so focused on
my career and pursuing my "causes" and living my life for the moment.
When I first found out I was pregnant after three years of marriage, I was
frankly, pretty shocked. A fancy flower arrangement with a cabbage
plant was delivered to the newsroom that said "the rabbit died." I thought
I had a urinary tract infection!
Frankly I was scared to death. What if I didn't like my own child? What if
I wasn't cut out to be a mother. My husband always thought I'd be great at it.
I wasn't so sure. But I kept on working and hoping and when my firstborn
arrived I was absolutely shocked that I would fall in love with this little
guy. Before I had my second child , I sat in the car and cried. I was afraid
I couldn't love the second one because I loved the first one so much. Totally
besotted and in love with child number two, another son. By the time our
little girl came I was just just getting comfortable and I was in love again with
this perfect little angel .
I am so proud to be a mother. To be a significant force in the lives of three little
individuals. What an honor and what a responsibility. I was never the perfect
mother, but I sure as hell tried. I made sure I always volunteered at school and
let them make our house their playground. My suburban was always full, my
kitchen always hopping and the bedrooms full of friends.
My friend Lola Hall once told me that when you have children you are then in
touch with the universe, you will feel connected forever. It's true. My kids are
grown. The last one in college and my sons successful in their chosen fields. I
feel very blessed. First of all that they made it so far with me as their mom, and
second that we all survived, mostly in tact.
Thanks guys, for giving me the best job I never knew I wanted. You have taught
me more than you can ever know. You have made me a better person, a more
creative soul, and you certainly have improved my culinary skills and my prowess
with a glue gun. I adore you all and I love you more than you will ever know.
Thank you for the privilege on being your Mom today on Mother 's Day, and every day..
Thank you for the privilege on being your Mom today on Mother 's Day, and every day..
Friday, May 10, 2013
Oh yeh...we all know the pain of paying for kids to go to college.
It's a never ending ATM moment!!! We gritch and groan , but we
all do it lovingly...well sort of. A major NBC outlet is looking for
people who have REALLY sacrificed, not just giving up a facial
and massage here and there. By really sacrificing we mean...selling your
house, taking on three new jobs, or moving to a third world country.
Send this info to anyone you know who made the ultimate sacrifice.
They (or you) need to send name, age, city you live in, kids, situation,
how and why you decidd to make that kind of scarficfice, and family pics
For all of you out there who have hooked up online and are a cyber couple
with your soulmate you've never actually me....you have the chance to be in a big
time, big money game show. Yep....so take a risk and you'll actually get to
You have to be over 21 to enter. Please send name,contact inf, cities you both
live it, pictures of both of you. , the story of how you got together and what
dating service or method you met in , Also send jpeg pics to
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
I really don't think I've ever been a diva...do you feel the same? Attention makes me
nervous and to be be honest I always felt like a little bit of a fake in front of the
camera. Now writing....totally confident. But a diva...not so much.
Divas are kind of like witches...they are good divas and bad divas. I suspect we've all
been exposed to both. The original divas are on the stage opera singers. You know
those larger than life ladies with the big hair and even bigger bosoms. But at least you
know who they are and they are easy to identify. It doesn't work that way in real life.
I have always been a little shocked that some of the mousy looking gals are the
biggest divas ever.
A bad diva is the one who is needy, always has to be the center of attention and are
for the most part high maintenance, demanding and so self involved it makes your head spin.
A good diva may adore the limelight...but they are also willing to stand up for their
friends and ,well, lets face it they bring a lot of dazzle to any event.
All divas have a sense of entitlement and they know when they demand a better table,
ask for a raise or tell their partner exactly what they want for their birthday ....they
deserve it. Their attitude comes from their knowledge that they're worth it. Which is not
a bad concept ladies.
A furniture designer band (who shall remain nameless) told me she only sold a few pieces
when she charged $300 for her work. But lo-and-behold when she jacked them up to
over a thousand...they sold like hotcakes. There's truth to how we value ourselves.
So while I'm not advocating turning into a stark raging bitch....we might want to
think a little more of ourselves. After all we know what we're worth...and it doesn't hurt
to remind others just exactly what that means.
bad divas,
good divas,
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Happy Cinco de Mayo ya'all!!! No one knows salsa better than
chicks from Madill ,Oklahoma. Mexican food in itself is actually
a food group there. And no one knows salsa like my good friend Sue's
cousin Sherry. I've actually had people who own restaurants ask for the
recipe. And believe me that doesn't happen to me very often.
So here it is.....from a half Mexican Brit who doesn't even speak Spanish
but knows a good salsa when she sees one. Happy Happy Cinco to you.
Believe me you will be singing Ricky Martin songs and doing the macarana.
2 cans Rotel tomatoes
1 medium can stewed tomatoes
2 cucumbers peeled and diced
2 large fresh tomatoes peeled and diced
1 small bunch of green onions,diced
1 Rotel can white vinegar
1/4 cup sugar
1 Tsp Italian seasoning
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp sweet basil
1 ts garlic pepper
1 tsp thyme
Place Rotel tomatoes, canned tomatoes and all spices in the
food processor. Process a few seconds to chop and blend. Add
white vinegar and sugar, process a few more seconds. Ass diced
fresh vegetables and process a few seconds more. Add salt to taste
and /or Tabasco. Makes two quarts. Will stay in fridge for a long time.
Special thanks to the Madill A Taste of Heaven Cookbook from the
First United Methodist Church.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Who isn't ? Just kidding. A major production company is looking
for single women between the age of 21 and 35, who are great catches
Are you tired of dating city slickers who may or may not be having more
mani-pedis than you are. Are you looking for a guy with good old fashioned
Send your name, contact info, bio , photo in jpg format and tell them
what kind of guys you're dating and why you'd like something different.
Send info to cynthiacasting@gmail.com
Photo by www.tumbir.com
Oh my God. I know you had your shared of weird roomies. If the
truth be told I was probably one of the weird ones. Do you remember Kathy
when we set Debra's door on fire. Or when we gave her Vaseline to
put on her hair. (It never looked better!!!) Oh no we didn't.!!
Tell the stories...no matter how vile or out there. A big production
company wants to know about those roommates-from-hell.
Be sure to tell them your name, phone, contact info, age, when you
lived with the cray-cray roommate. Why did you live with them? Give the
and any pics . Send to BadRoomateCasting @gmail.com
Photo by stimsonsnead.com
A major television campaign is looking for heartfelt moments.
Things that make you go AAAAAAH. Military homecomings,
dads and daughters at weddings, retirees living the life. Those
little moments of pets and people that make you know exactly
what you're doing on the planet.
Share your special moment by sending them to Iputyouontv@gmail.com
Send name and contact information along with a video link (this
is preferred. ) Ask a kid to help you. make sure your friends know
about this too!!! Big cash if they use your video clip.
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