Leave it to an underpaid--rumpled English teacher to nail the generation
of entitlement. Great article in Time magazine that says boomers are the
me generation and our off springs are the me-me-me generation.
I have to say that I totally contributed to that very concept of making our kids
feel special. We gave trophy's to the whole baseball team, even the girls
that stood out in the outfield counting butterflies. We told our kids their
art work was brilliant. I even came across some art I had actually had
framed. What the hell was wrong with me? But fess up we all did it...we
made our children feel so important...they were the epicenter of our lives
and they knew it. Our Halloween costumes were worthy of the Academy
Awards and our parties for them were epic.
But just because Mommy says you're a princess doesn't mean you have a snowballs
chance in hell of snagging Prince Harry. And as for our sons. Pretty sure their
stint on the guitar wasn't going to land them on the Grammy's So why did we
do this? My kids even went to a private school where they didn't have a Prom
Queen. Really? Way to weed out the haves from the have-nots.
So as they get older they text and tweet and instagram and pinterest and do all
those things that continue this "you are a star " theory. And then what? An
amazing study said that most people under thirty would rather be an assistant
to a famous person rather than a senator. OMG. And then there are the Kardashians--
famous for doing nothing., Yet still millionaires and still famous. What a
I personally think the train left the station. Our kids are just going to have to figure
for themselves. Don't get me wrong, there are thousands and thousands of wonderful
young adults out their. Yes, some feel a little too entitled. Some of them have
an attitude problem. But life has a funny way of teaching you things. I'm learning
them every day and no one told me I was a princess!!!!
it out 

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