Apparently teenage girls have a new goal to add to their top
ten list of achievements. Along with getting into Stanford ,
writing their best selling novel before age 18 and dating Justin
Bieber, they have added thigh gap to their list.
For those of us who are new to this concept...and new to the
reality that there are some people who actually have thighs that you
can see through, this is startling. You have to be pretty lean to have
a gap between your thighs, and I think most of us will agree that
for many it's impossible. Teenage girls don't need to feel bad about
their bodies, they feel bad about everything. Giving up eating so their
friends will envy their Milly Cyrus legs will cause nothing but pain.
When we were teenagers we worried about lots of things. It goes with
the territory. Getting good boobs and learning how to get boys to like
you seemed to occupy most of my friends time. But thighs. Never. I mean
how much time do you actually think about your thighs? When I first read
about this I thought it said Tai...and I was way on my way to planning a
nice Asian dinner.
If your thighs bother you, put on some baby powder. They won't rub. Maybe
it's time anyway to give up the Daisy Duke's. Probably is.
Boy we really screw those teenagers up, don't we? Photo
shop images that make everyone look like a waif are not only wrong, they
send out a reckless standard that most girls will never be able to live
up to. But then who the hell cares about thigh gap ? I don't , you don't. But
sadly, they do.
I always remembr Ann Landers (that dates me here) saying that we all had a
perfect body , once upon a time. It reaches perfection when you're about
nineteen and fast asleep. A lot of good that did us!!
Show them this video . I love it. It says it all. Then tell that teenager
that she's beautiful. because she is!!!!
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