I like new traditions. And I like new traditions that are derived from television
shows like Seinfeld's Festivus for the Rest-of-us. So what's not to like about a
day to celebrate your gal pals?
Lets face it at our age many of us have discovered that Valentines Day has lost
a little bit of it's lustre. I mean who can compete with the first time you got a real
Valentine from a boy that didn't have a box of conversation hearts taped to it. The
first time you both wanted to celebrate it preferably in a naughty way with lots of
alcohol . After that it can only go downhill. Then the hubby starts
the big sneak out on the night before and there are flowers and a card still in a
CVS or Wahlgrens bag. Really? Or the floral delivery guy slips up to say that this
was a last minute frantic delivery and some dumb guy slipped him a twenty spot to
do it..
Some of us no longer have a significant other. At our age men are dying like flies.
And then again there are some of us that are still crazy about it . Bless you.
Remember to give him (or her) with as the Spice Girls say.....Give then what they
want....what they really , really want. That is not to be confused with the ads for some
mens clinic that says what they really really want is probably not what they really want
.....read between the lines.
The best way to say I love you is to go out of your way, suprise them pull out all the stops.
Go for it. I confess I still send a Valentine packages to my kids and their pets. Nothing
says Valentines Day like a chew toy.
If you don;t have a sweetie ...no need to feel left out. Celebrate Galentines Day with your
buds your sisters, your mom's , the guy in the office who gets your coffee perfect.
Go out for dinner, leave them a treat, go to a movie. Enjoy. because love is always
worth celebrating no matter how many times you've been hurt of disappointed.
So even now..at my age....love is all around. Hey that's a line from Love Actually.
Yep...still in love with love. The picture frame says...wouldn't you agree baby you
and me got a groovy kind of love. That about says it all.
What's your take?
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