When I was a high school cheerleader, this was our pre-game chant. Not that we had to worry about gravity at that point in our lives. But ladies, now is the time to get your boobs in order. Nine out of ten women wear the wrong size bra. I thought I was pretty savvy, I was fitted last year and bought a boat load of new bras and quite honestly felt pretty smug about it. But , like most of us, the weight goes up...then down. This time I was fortunate to have lost a few and I notice the lingerie just wasn't fitting as well. So I went back...Low and behold I needed a new size. Really? Is this just a ploy to keep your local lingerie department financially robust?.
Apparently it wasn't , because I feel renewed and somehow perkier (if there is such a thing for out age group). So here are the tips. Go in try on a size..bend over at the waist and get all that breast tissue down in it. Then opposite hand to opposite breast lift your breast into position. Sounds pervy, but you want it to fit right , don't you? The straps should stay in place and the front should fit snug and the breastbone. Don't hesitate to ask for help. They are on your side. Your clothes will thank you.
Check out recent copy of FIRST magazine at your grocery store. It says it can help you look fifteen years younger with the right bra. What have you got to loose?.
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