There's nothing poetic about it. The rules of love had changed. At the turn of the century you lived to be maybe thirty , then you died. Simple. Marriages lasted long enough to produce plenty of children. If the woman didn't die in childbirth , then she was usually destined to be a widow. The party was over. As for middle age sex, well, it was pretty much a non entity.
Today we have thirty years more added to our life expectancy. Ouch. That means more years of being married. And here's the thing. We are now in our fifties, sixties, and guess what? We don't feel it. We go to the gym, we eat right, and to be honest we still feel young-at-heart, even though that occasional glimpse in the mirror may tell us otherwise.
Now men at fifty and sixty are popping the Viagra and Cialis like candy corn on Halloween. Men are taking testosterone shots to keep aging at bay and feeling good about themselves. You might ask, what does that mean to the traditional marriage? It means, simply, that the playing field is now unequal. Women are just popping out of the hell hole that is menopause, and men are revved up like formula one race cars. This in NOT a pretty picture, ladies. Someone is going to get burned here, and it isn't going to be penis pill popping poppa's..
Add to this formula fifty percent of women who didn't make their first (or second ) marriage work. They are out on patrol, looking for replacement husband. After all fifty and sixty year old men are just as desirable to 35-40 year old women. These women have kids that will need college educations ...and they have hair extensions to buy . It doesn't matter how paunchy your spouse is or how bald, socially awkward or unattractive. If he's successful, has a bank account and some property, he is desirable. All those single women struggling to make ends meet will gladly change places with you. They like the looks of your life. You may laugh and think ok...Skank alert. Remember you heard it here first.....from some fantastic ladies I've interviewed who never knew what hit 'em.

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