When I was growing up it was a big deal to finally...finally get to wear nylons No more anklets for me...I had arrived. Then came the inevitable question, how the hell do you keep those puppies to stay up. Well basically you had two choices, a girdle or a garter belt. As far as I was concerned there was no choice. Who in their right mind wanted to wear a garment with all the appeal of a Nurse Ratched endorsed straight jacket. They were hideous and they were so tight they made you nauseous. For some off reason some parents favored them. Could it be because they were the most passive aggressive birth control device ever invented?
My personal choice was the garter belt. I didn't realize it's sex appeal way back then. The teen models were not lacy or pretty, they were simply functional. Then came the birth of pantyhose. A brilliant invention that kept me happy for decade. Then going bare legged kept me even happier. It's been a wonderful life with bare legs, some Origins ginger mouse and me.
So why, why people are we back to SPANX? . They are evil. I don't care how many celebrities wear them on the red carpet, or how much Oprah sings their praises. They are girdles. Sure they are nude colored and have cute packaging, but they are still meant to restrain. I recently worked on shooting a reality show of cute young singers. All these tiny girls wear them. Seriously!!!!. Do you wear them? Do you like them? Please someone give me a good reason to wear them.....or I'm just going to have to prance through the rest of my life with naked legs.
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