Saturday, May 11, 2013


Outline in black and white of
I wasn't the little girl that planned her wedding with the precision of a
drill Sergeant, so it should come as no surprise that I really didn't give much
thought either to children. Didn't really like them. I was so focused on
my career and pursuing my "causes" and living my life for the moment.
When I first found out I was pregnant after three years of marriage, I was
frankly, pretty shocked.  A  fancy flower arrangement with a cabbage
plant was delivered to the newsroom that said "the rabbit died." I thought
I had a urinary tract infection!
Frankly I was scared to death. What if I didn't like  my own child? What if
I wasn't cut out to be a mother. My husband always thought I'd be great at it.
I wasn't so sure.  But I kept on working and hoping and when my firstborn
arrived I was absolutely shocked that I would fall in love with this little
guy. Before I had my second child , I sat in the car and cried. I was afraid
I couldn't love the second one because I loved the first one so much.  Totally
besotted and in love with child number two, another son. By the time our
little girl came I was just just getting comfortable and I was in love again with
this perfect little angel .
I am so proud to be a mother. To be a significant force in the lives of three  little
individuals. What an honor and what a responsibility. I was never the perfect
mother, but I sure as hell tried. I made sure I always volunteered at school and
let them make our house their playground. My suburban was always full, my
kitchen always hopping and the bedrooms full of friends.
My friend Lola Hall once told me that when you have children you are then in
touch with the universe, you will feel connected forever. It's true. My kids are
grown. The last one in college and my sons successful in their chosen fields. I
feel very blessed. First of all that they made it so far with me as their mom, and
second that we all survived, mostly in tact.
Thanks guys, for giving me the best job I never knew I wanted. You have taught
me more than you can ever know. You have made me a better person, a more
creative soul, and you certainly have improved my culinary skills and my prowess
with a glue gun.  I adore you all and I love you more than you will ever know.
Thank you for the privilege on being your Mom today on Mother 's Day, and every day..

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