Sunday, November 17, 2013


Kim Kardashian scores touchdown with Miles Austin - National

When did this happen??? When did having a big ass become not only
a great feature, but also a good health predictor? When did FAT BOTTOM
GIRLS become de rigeur? (no offense Queen) I guess it all started with the
Kardashian...and the lyrics of lots of rap songs. I remember my daughter
used to ask me to rap " shawty had them apple bottom jeans...with the fur.....
." by T Pain  much to the delight of her friends. Even weirder that I actually
knew the words .

Now, having  "junk in the trunk" gets an even bigger plus. Oxford University has
found that it's better to have fat on your ass than on your stomach. That's right.
Apparently the boost of a big booty is that the fat back there or "gluteofemoral" fat
actually helps as a buffer in mopping up other fat and breaks down more slowly.
All of this reported in the International Journal of Obesity.

Well you know the Karfashian girls are donning their thongs and laughing out
loud. And for the rest of us ...well sometimes gravity shifts and sometimes it
doesn't. So rejoice if you are one of the ones who has to say "does my butt look
big in this?"........ and start twerking ,baby if it doesn't.

A link that focuses on butt building.

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