Wednesday, January 15, 2014



I think I might be the only Middle Aged woman on the Planet that hasn't tried a filler.  And you know how I always want to be a truthful blogger.  So today, I confess,  I had a treatment with Sculptra, a filler that works along with your own collagen to build back the lost volume in your face. Which of course , is where the sags and folds and other little bug-a-boos happen.
I did my research and I like the background of Sculptra. First of all it was invented in a Scandinavian Country. you know where beautiful blondes called Sven and Lars and Inga hang out. Even better than that it was developed for AIDS patients for the hollow look that the disease inflicted. It has a noble beginning.
It was totally a piece of cake. I'm kind of a wuss with needles, especially around the eyes. I have avoided Botox because of that. After all, that what bangs are for. Right? .The skilled aesthetician put on  a numbing cream and she did two sticks on each temple. Bang and bang. Not too awful. Believe me, being the mother of three and having an orangutan tear out my earring prepared me well for this. Seriously it didn't hurt.
After ice packs were put on my face temporarily I had a little laser treatment wit the brand new Alma
Harmony XL. Again painless....and wow.I noticed results right away. Those nasty little lines were less. And the best thing is...this filler gets better with time as the collagen rebuilds. . So the results today are not the end results.  You  can repeat the procedure until you are in love with the results. . It's subtle and not artificial.
I'm sold. If you live in Oklahoma City go to the Open House this Saturday  and see for yourself. It's at 4400 N.W. 63rd street at the Skin Sanctuary at Hefner West Medical Center. There will be refreshments and give aways and live demos this Saturday the 19th from 6-8. Well worth it.
p.s. will give you a peak at the end results soon

1 comment:

  1. Dee - I've received your emails and I've replied to all of them, but I haven't heard from you, so I don't think you're getting them. Can you try emailing me with a different email, or maybe try via facebook on my blog page?
